Posts tagged Scaling
Using Asana Project Management Software Internally

Standard operating procedures are the only way to ensure that you can carry out an equally amazing client experience in a standardized format, from student to student.

For example, it doesn’t matter when someone begins with me, or how many other clients I have at the time - they are getting the exact same service. Yes, we absolutely individualize and customize - constantly, in fact! But the core steps don’t change.

And if you don’t believe that this works, think about the world’s highest-grossing revenue chain and second-largest private employer: McDonalds.

Ray Kroc didn’t invent the SOP, but he might as well be the poster child for them. While our standards for quality are (very) different, our goal - providing a standardized experience - is the same.

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Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness with a September - August Junior Year Workflow

My approach forces students to get their head in the game and start EARLY! Procrastination is not an option. This means that parents and students aren’t fighting at home (about college stuff, anyway!), because everyone is on the same page and working on the same team! 

Spreading out the work in a seasonal manner also keeps my staff busy (and paid!) all year long, which lets our practice take on more clients - we have a steady flow of work without the peaks and valleys that prevent other practices from scaling. Maximizing our time in this way essentially doubles the clientele that we are able to serve in a given graduating class.

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Hiring a Team Member Without Losing Your Mind

I picked up the BEST tip from one of my favorite podcasts.

It involved inserting some kind of very detailed hidden instruction within the job listing just to see the candidate is paying attention and has an eye for detail. Brilliant, right?

In retrospect, this was fantastic because anyone who wouldn’t catch this wouldn’t be a good fit, and I was able to weed ALL of those people out! I probably saved twenty hours of my time by putting this instruction in the posting. Maybe more.

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